Monday, April 1, 2013

What Are You Feeling? - Day 46

What Are You Feeling?
Day 46

To help you express your emotions and share your story with others, it will be helpful to identify and define what you have lost and how you feel about it. Follow these steps:
1.  Identify your loss. What did you lose?
2. Determine your specific feelings about that loss.
3. Tell someone: "I'm feeling _____ because of this loss."

Dr. H. Norman Wright says, "What you need is more public affirmation and recognition of the fact that what you went through is a very legitimate loss, and you need to have grieving opportunities for that."

Identifying your losses and your feelings is an important step to take at the personal level, but it is also important to share these feelings with another person and receive his or her affirmation.

"Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God" (Romans 15:7).

Righteous God, what am I feeling, and with whom can I share my feelings? Make this clear to me, and give me the courage to follow through. Amen.

~ I think I have past this point and I share in group often. I don't think I need validation from anyone else as far as my friends and family, because honestly I don't want to not get it if I seek it. I think that I get enough from group. I do share with my friend Tiffany from time to time, and she listens so well. She knows that I just need her to listen and not having lost her mother or sister, she doesn't know my losses, but she has been a shoulder to cry on or just talk it out with. She is my rock when I least expect it and I am so blessed.

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