Monday, April 1, 2013

Healthy Grieving: Step Two - Day 52

Healthy Grieving: Step Two
Day 52

You have already acknowledged that you are grieving, and you have attempted to understand grief. The next step in healthy grieving is to allow your needs to be recognized by others. To apply this step, you must first recognize these needs for yourself.

Identify your needs right now - physical, emotional, and spiritual. Jot them down on a piece of paper.

Next comes the more difficult part. Let others know your needs, and allow people to help you in a concrete way.

"Grief is not just something you work through on your own," says Dr. Jim Conway. "Most people need outside help because the thing that accomplishes the resolution is talked to somebody. You can accomplish some things on your own, but a support group will be beneficial."

God promises to supply the help that you need, and He will be sure to send the right people. But first you must turn to Jesus and ask for His help.

"Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need" (Hebrews 4:16).

Lord God, I have so many needs, and I am tired of trying to be in control. Help me relinquish my needs to You and to others. Amen.

~ Hmmm, what do I need?
I need a hug on most days, but some days I just need to be left alone.
I need to cry, yet I am tired of crying. I need to scream, but don't want to scare my kid or the people in the next car because the car seems to be the safest place to get that loud scream out.
I need my cup to be filled. I am working on this. My cup feels empty when it comes to the Word and this is something that I am steadily working on. I get some word as I do these posts and it so far seems to help. Next step is to get the bible and when I have no words, just open to the book of Psalms and just read. If I can make time to watch tv, I certainly can make time to read the good book.
I just need to pray.

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