Monday, April 15, 2013

Blame - Day 81

Day 81

Humans seem to have a natural tendency to want to place blame, as if that would help resolve the feelings of distress and pain. But blame is a black hole that will suck you down further and further.

"As a pastor, I've seen people respond to grief in every way," says Dr. Jack Hayford. "I think of the beauty of recent events in my own congregation. There was a young couple who were instantly separated by the intervention of death while they were at a national park. He full into a rushing river and was trapped beneath a log where he could not get out. There was no way to attempt rescue because of the force of the stream. His wife was standing right there, not ten feet away, watching him drown, seeing it happen.

"To watch that family move into an openness to the comfort of the Spirit of God, to not blame God, to recognize an accident for what it is, to believe that God didn't design it, but He did foresee it and that His comfort and presence would be with them is a tremendously thrilling thing to witness."

Jesus urges you not to be troubled by blame, but to move forward in peace and comfort of the Holy Spirit of God.

"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid" (John 14:26-27).

Holy God, this blame isn't accomplishing anything but added pain for me. Send me Your comforting Spirit to guide my thoughts into a clear perspective. Amen.

~ To read this testimony and think of how I have held on to blame saddens me. I can't believe that I have been in my own way for so long. I blamed myself for my mom not making it. All the should of/ could of/would of scenarios can't and won't bring her back. I know my mom didn't want to live on machines and I was honoring her wishes that she had expressed previously. It just doesn't make it any easier to not hold myself accountable when she was left in my care and essentially died.

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