Monday, April 22, 2013

Remedy for Loneliness - Develop a Hobby or Skill - Day 90

Remedy for Loneliness - Develop a Hobby or Skill
Day 90

Starting a new hobby may sound unappealing and uninteresting at this point in your life. But we encourage you to do it anyway. Remember, you are not developing this hobby for the sake of the activity; you are using it as a tool to deal with loneliness.

"My life was so much a part of my husband's," says Patricia. "He was so depend upon me; he could not function without me on a twenty-four-hour basis. When he died, I said, 'What am I going to do?' All of my time had been spend taking care of him. I was totally lost. I didn't know what to do.

"It was just a few months later that my daughter worked in vacation bible school, and she said, 'Mom, why don't you come and help me?' So I did. That really began my ministry here. I began working in the nursery on Sunday evenings, one night a month. Then I saw an opportunity to help in the children's department during the week on a volunteer basis.

"The Lord has just opened up a whole new opportunity, a whole new life for me. I knew from the beginning that I was not going to stay home and get the rocking-chair rot."

God has appointed you with certain gifts to use in helping others or in bringing joy to others' lives. Try out a new hobby or volunteer to do something you've never done before.  Again, you may not be doing this because you desire to, but because you need to.

"There are different spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them ... The evidence of the Spirit's presence is given to each person for the common good of everyone" (1 Corinthians 12:4, 7 NLT).

Lord God, place in my path a new opportunity to serve You and to take great steps forward in healing. Amen.

~That is my prayer in my heart for sure.  I pray that He puts me in front of whomever it is that I am here to help and support along the way. I believe He will make a way. My God is Awesome!

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