Monday, April 22, 2013

Loneliness - Day 88

Day 88

The loneliness of loss -- do you feel it? This can be one of the most painful emotions in grieving.

Luevenia, whose husband passed away, says, "There's no way I'll ever be the same. It just can't be. I'm so lonely. The evenings are the toughest because I can get out during the day and do things."

The Lord Jesus knows what it's like to be lonely. He's been there. He knows it well.

You may be lonely, but you are never alone because God is with you every moment, and He can transform your lonely life in ways you cannot imagine. "God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land" (Psalm 68:6).

Holy God, I am a prisoner of loneliness. I know that things will never be the same as they were, but You promise in Your Word that You will "lead forth the prisoners with singing." Lead on, Lord. Amen.

~ My loneliness ran deep. I suddenly didn't have my best friend. I saw my sister 5 days a week when I would go drop off my son to her and when I would go pick him up. I would hang out with her while the traffic died down and I would talk to her throughout the day whether it was on Facebook or on the phone. We didn't always have this beautiful relationship and perhaps God gave me Justice so that I could be close to my sister for those 2 years leading up to her departure.  I have to believe that everything happens for a reason.  I miss my momma too. I saw her every day since I moved home to help them with rent and help with my mom's care.  It was refreshing to see her daily and It was merely a year or two after I moved back home that she died. So, again, I have to believe that everything happens for a reason. I got drawn closer to them before their departures from my life. Those times are now precious. I will always have wished I had more time with them, but I can praise God and thank Him for bringing me closer to them so that I could appreciate those relationships. Loneliness just means that I loved them so much that I miss that daily interaction, I will be okay.

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