Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Regret - Day 85

Day 85

Regret is a strong emotion you will likely encounter during grief. Perhaps you have regrets over things you wish you had said or done while your loved one was still alive. A frequent thought might be, If only I had ...

You are not alone, my friend.

Annie, who lost her father, says, "I laid awake at night thinking, O Lord, I wish I had taken him to Duke Hospital. Why didn't I think about it? I just kept punishing myself. But one of my friends said, 'You did all you knew to do.' Which is true."

Do not condemn yourself. Look to Christ Jesus for help in facing these regrets.

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death" (Romans 8:1-2 NASB).

Lord Jesus, set me free from my regrets. Thank you for not condemning me. Amen.

~ I have a lot of regret that I am learning to let go. I regret not taking my mom to the hospital sooner. I regret not calling the EMS when I found my mom passed out on the floor. I knew her sugar was too low since this was something that had happened many many times before, so I knew that I only needed to get her sugar up. So I called my cousin who lived in the same neighborhood to come help me. All the shoulda/coulda/woulda won't bring her back and are just me punishing myself for something that I can't change and for what I thought were the right decisions at the time. I start to second guess myself all the time. If I had sent her to the hospital she would be alive, but she would have missed my sister's wake and funeral. If If If .. two letters, but they can shake the soul when you have doubt behind those two letters.

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