Thursday, April 25, 2013

Loneliness Trap: Avoid Premature Romantic Relationships - Day 93

Loneliness Trap: Avoid Premature Romantic Relationships
Day 93

"You need to realize you can exist without another person," says Dr. H. Norman Wright.

For those who have lost a mate, you may be tempted to jump into a relationship too quickly in order to avoid the pain you are feeling. But if you bring the unresolved pain of grief into a new relationship, then the relationship is already on rocky ground.

"I tried to have a relationship," says Melissa, a widow, "but it just didn't work. I guess maybe it was for all the wrong reasons anyway. But I would tell people who are out looking: Don't look. The Lord knows what you need, and He will bring the right mate for you when it is time."

In seeking to solve your problem of loneliness, you may just create a host of other problems. It is better to follow God's order of priorities. Seek only to serve God, and everything else will fall into place.

"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?
 For the pagans run after these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you was well" (Matthew 6:31-33).

Holy God, all I need is You. Help me to believe it and to act on it. Amen.

~ Not a problem here since it wasn't a mate that I lost. I did, however, realize that until I started dealing with my grief and working through the process that I was just an emotional mess and it is hard for someone to want to be with someone who is a mess. It was also hard to give the time and attention to someone else when all I wanted to do was crawl in a hole and disappear. So, yes, work your way through the process and a relationship will happen in God's timing.

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