Thursday, April 4, 2013

Anger: Know Its Limits - Day 72

Anger: Know Its Limits
Day 72

You have a choice to make about your anger. You can either let anger take control of you and allow it to be your master, or you can deal with your anger and grow in strength and healing.

To effectively deal with your anger, first, be aware of its source. What triggers those feelings? You also need to know how far you can let your anger go before it has gone too far. By understanding the limits of your anger, you will be able to release it in a way that is healthy for you and for those around you.

"Anger is legitimate. There's nothing wrong with anger in and of itself. But you can't turn your anger loose and just let it fall where it may," says Pastor Buck Buchanan.

The book of Proverbs offers sound advice: "A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control" (29:11).

Lord God, give me the wisdom to know when to hold my anger in check. Amen.

~ I was just thinking this very thing this morning. Justice worked my very last good nerve yesterday. First, Monday he came home in trouble because he hit someone at school. Yesterday, he was in time out when I got there and I even got showed video of him not listening and acting out and talking back. Then, we went to the gym and he acted out there as well. Not listening and also talking back. I have taught my son better than this. Or at least I thought I had. It really makes me question my parenting skills when I can't control my child. Perhaps he is just having an off week. It makes me the bad guy when I have to punish him to teach him that his behavior isn't acceptable. He got spankings last night because time out wasn't working. Talking wasn't working and then I drifted into yelling. I don't want to be that angry parent. I am the ONLY parent and we have a loving relationship and I need him to know that regardless when I punish him, he is still my baby boy and I love him all the time. After he got spanked, he kept asking me for hugs and kisses and I just needed to be left alone. I kept telling him no and that I would give him hugs and kisses when I was calmed down.  I felt bad, because I don't want him to feel like I am turning my back on him when I just needed to calm down. I gave him a hug and a kiss before he went to bed. I try and make sure that he doesn't go to bed thinking I am mad and I try to let go of whatever hurt or anger is in me before I go to bed so that it doesn't fester in me and just get worse. It surely isn't easy being a parent, much less a single parent. There are times I just wish I had someone to take up the slack and give me a break. :|

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