Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Depression: When to Seek Help - Day 97

Depression: When to Seek Help
Day 97

If your depression persists for months and becomes a way of life, it is no longer normal grieving. You do not have to live with this.

If it goes on and on, get help.  Talk to a Christian counselor or your pastor or a doctor. This type of depression is what doctors would call clinical depression, and there is help for that.

Dr. Ray Pritchard says, "Don't give up. Pick up the phone. Call a friend. If that friend can't help you, call another friend. If the people at one church cannot help you, call another Christian church."

Take action to find help for your depression. And if that fails, try again.

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him" (James 1:12).

Father, it is only by Your grace that I can stand through this trail. Open the doors of help for me and strengthen me to walk through them. Amen.

~ I think that I waited a long time to get help. I tried to reach out to friends and family, but was met with some rejection. I asked the church after my mom died to help me understand and they couldn't. I stopped trying after that. I felt like I was getting rejected from every angle and it was my destiny to be stuck in this place of rejection, depression and loneliness. I struggled and can't remember a lot of the two years after my sister and mom passed. Then one day it was like the light switch was turned on. I was ready to live again. I didn't know how, but I am a fighter and I wasn't going to continue to be this empty shell of a mother for my son. He is so deserving of the love, attention and affection that I give him and I was in such a funk that I was pushing my own child away. I am so thankful and prayerful to God that he blessed me with my son. He is my reason for living. He is the reason that I continue to fight. Not just for myself, but for the fruit of my womb. Lesson in my story.. I gave for a time, but finally decided to try again and it was then that I was welcomed with loving arms into the GriefShare class and my healing really truly began.

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