Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Growing Through Loneliness - Day 94

Growing Through Loneliness
Day 94

Loneliness is never comfortable, but if you ask Him, the Lord can bring something good out of it.

"The Lord sees to it that you find yourself in a lonely position sometimes," says Elisabeth Elliot, "not necessarily geographically. You can be in a crowded room and still be lonely.

"You need to recognize God's discipline of loneliness when it is assigned to you and receive it with both hands saying, 'Lord, I would not have chosen this, but I will receive it. Now teach me what I can only learn in loneliness.'"

It is not God's plan to give you everything you want for your life or to ensure that you are always comfortable and problem-free. God has made life so that it is filled with times of receiving and times of letting go. And He wants you to learn to be content where you are now, because He is with you.

"I know what it is to be in need, and I know it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:12-13).

Lord God, teach me what I can learn in loneliness. Amen.

~ I have learned that I need to get comfortable being uncomfortable.  It isn't an easy lesson by far, but it certainly is a learning experience.  It is then that we learn the most about ourselves and stop holding ourselves back. I think this is true of loneliness as well. I am a single mom in a single relationship situation. I often get lonely even though I am rarely alone. I guess part of me longs for companionship. I've got my son and he is a blessing. I often thought I was destined to be alone except for my son. I know now that this is just my season of loneliness so that I can learn and grow. It is in this time of still that I am able to really grow and shine.  Thank you God for being with me through this time and for helping me to learn you.

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