Monday, April 1, 2013

Out of Control - Day 60

Out of Control
Day 60

Not only are your emotions unpredictable, but they may also seem uncontrollable. This changing nature combined with the intensity of the emotions can cause you to feel disoriented, forgetful, and overpowered.

"There was this overwhelming feeling of being out of control ... overwhelmed and watching life pass by," says Cindy following her daughter's death.

Your response to these uncontrollable emotions can be confusing to you as well as to others; for instance, sometimes you may want people with you, and sometimes you do not. You may also act in ways you later regret.

Job expressed this sentiment: "If only my anguish could be weighed and all my misery placed on the scales! It would surely outweigh the sand of the seas - no wonder my words have been impetuous" (Job 6:2-3).

Precious Lord, You know the desires of my heart. In my confusion give me peace to know that You are in control of all life and You do not make mistakes. Amen.

~ I just said this very thing! Confirmation! I felt like this quite often until I did the circle the emotions exercise. Now I don't feel those same ones. Now that I have started to express myself through sharing it on here. Sometimes I wish I had companionship so that I didn't feel so alone, yet other times I wish I could get time to be alone. Being a single mom, I really don't get time to myself much. It has been a struggle, but at the same time, I don't not want my child with me. I know he is safe with me and I know where he is and how he is doing and if he wasn't with me then I would worry about that, so having him with me, while I don't get much down time or me time, it is a blessing and so wanted and needed.

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