Monday, April 8, 2013

Is Anger Good or Bad? - Day 74

Is Anger Good or Bad?
Day 74

God sometimes exhibits anger, and you are made in His image. God is described in Exodus 34:6 as "compassionate and gracious" and "slow to anger."

Jesus Christ was the perfect model of human behavior for you to follow, and at times Jesus was angry. In Mark 3:5 he was angered by the stubborn hearts of Pharisees who refused to see the truth: "He looked around at them in anger ... deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts."

Dr. Tim Clinton says, "Anger is a God-given emotion. In Scripture God was often angry at unrighteousness and injustice. It's okay to be angry at loss.

"To deny your anger is simply to let it turn inward. Angry people can't see life around them. Angry people can't see joy around them. Angry people can't see people around them. And hence, they can't enjoy life."

Lord Jesus, I'm intelligent enough to know that anger should not control me. I also understand that it needs to be properly released for my benefit and for others around me. Help me follow through on what I know is right for me to do. Amen.

~ I find it amazing how these emails are spot on where I am in my journey. It wasn't until I admitted that I was an angry person that I started to really acknowledge and see it for myself. I am not sure what I thought was going on with me, but I just knew I couldn't continue on the path I was on or I was going to hurt myself of my child and that isn't what I ever would want. I certainly was one that turned that anger inward and tried to swallow it. I added 10 lbs to my body to prove that. I am an emotional eater and anger is one that most definitely was getting me to that point of wanting to swallow that pain literally. It is time to enjoy life again. It is time to accept that it is okay to enjoy life again. Live in this new reality instead of just going through the motions.

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