Monday, April 1, 2013

Anger: Directed at the Person You Lost - Day 69

Anger: Directed at the Person You Lost 
Day 69

"People who lose someone can be really angry. They may be thinking, How dare you die and leave me! How dare you reject me! How dare you leave me in these circumstances!" observes Dr. Robert Abarno.

You may be directing your anger at the person you lost. Why? Because he or she left you, because of what you wish your relationship had been, because of all the unfinished, unorganized business that you ended up with. This anger is a natural reaction that you should not feel guilty about.

Your anger may stem from feelings of abandonment. But remember, you are not alone. God promises in His Word that He will never abandon you. His presence is eternal; His faithfulness to you is sure.

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged" (Deuteronomy 31:8).

Lord Jesus, I trust that You will never leave me and never give up on me. Amen.

~ I felt abandoned. I felt like my mom gave up. I felt like she gave up yet I still had to be the one to say goodbye. I have had many times that I have felt abandoned, by my father, my grandfather (although he had cancer it was just that he was the first one that close to me to die), my mother and my sister.  I also felt abandoned by Justice's father, my step-dad and a relationship that I was in. It was like I was left in this dark hole all alone and I couldn't sink or swim. I just was. Left grasp and gasping for some symbol of normalcy and calm in my life and it was that my life was completely turned upside down and I would need to recover from a full on shock to my world. I would be displaced in my family structure, my family role, my physical family location and personal heart situation. I felt like I was plagued. Something must be wrong with me to be left alone. I questioned my validity and my own worth since so many people I loved had left me. It was a true test of my heart's desires and my soul's desires and my self worth. It is a pill I am still struggling to swallow. I can't say that I have worked through this, but knowing where my anger lies has helped.

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