Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Third Principle of the Journey: Be Involved - Day 45

The Third Principle of the Journey: Be Involved
Day 45

"Don't imagine that you're gonna tough this out and make it all by yourself," says Dr. Jim Conway.

Do you have a person with whom you can share your innermost feelings about your loss? Take action to find someone. Often it is helpful to find someone who has experienced a loss similar to your own.

Pray first that God will direct you. Then make a list of family members, friends, neighbors, and coworkers with whom you might share. Pick up the phone and plan a time to meet and talk. You might also call your local church and explain that you just need someone to talk to about your situation. Another idea is to find a grief support group where you can share, ventilate, talk and find support from others who can truly relate. 1

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up" (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

Lord, direct me to the person You want me to have as a friend and confidant during this time of grief. Amen.

1 - To find the GriefShare grief recovery support group nearest you, call 1-800-395-5755, email, visit their website at, or write to Church Initiative, PO BOX 1739, Wake Forest, NC 27588-1739.

~ I have the support of the wonderful people in the grief share class. I have this blog of my season of grief and I have my son, who is my reason for breathing.  I am sure there are people who don't have that and it makes me sad to think of that.

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