Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Healing - Day 27

Day 27

"Just give it time," people say. That is misleading. Time alone will not heal your grief.

"I knew about the process and steps of grief recovery. But still, it felt like the weight of grief on my shoulders would never be lifted," says Dr. Ray Pritchard. "It's okay to feel that way. But know it won't last forever.

"Your feelings at this point aren't the crucial issue. What is important is that you choose to stay close to the Lord and not turn away from Him. If you walk with God as He walks with you, one day you will wake up and say, "It's a little bit better.'"

God is the source of all healing. Make the decision to remain close to Him despite your emotional struggles.

"I am the LORD, who heals you" (Exodus 15:26).

Jehovah Rapha, healing God, You are my healer, and I choose to walk with You. Amen.

~ Again, what comes to mind is "time doesn't heal all wounds" which I have heard several times in the grief share videos and in our workbook.
I think the thing I missed most in my losses was that I felt like I turned my back on God. I didn't purposefully go out and become best friends with the devil, but I certainly stopped the friendly conversations with Him. I would still pray at night and teach my child to pray over his food and at bedtime, but I wasn't praying like I was before. I haven't ever really been a kneel down and say lengthy prayers kind of girl, but I think this comes from the fact that I didn't really have my own bed to kneel to until I was 13. I didn't have a role model of how to pray or know what to pray for in any sense. I can't say that know the words now. I have on more than one occasion said that I just don't know what to say to God. I was told this "When you can't find the words, just open the Bible to the book of Psalms and just read. Something will pop out at you and touch you the way you are seeking and it will give you something to hold on to."  Those words have stuck with me.
I may have not stayed with the Lord, but I have found my way back to the path to Him and that is all that really matters.

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