Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Random Emotions - Day 7

Random Emotions
Day 7

"My emotions occurred spontaneously, and sometimes two or three at the same time," says Cindy, whose daughter passed away.

Although there are stages that are common to the process of grief, they do not occur in a predictable order. Your emotions will be random, sometimes overwhelming, and completely unique.

"Whatever your emotions lead you to feel, it's okay to feel how you're feeling," says Randy, whose sister died. "I think there are several emotions people are going to go through that are beyond their control."

Although you may feel overwhelmed and out of control, you can still have the deep inner peace that comes from God alone. Some people clearly sense the peace of God during times of adversity, but others wonder why they cannot feel it. Be assured that His peace is always available to you. Peace comes through a sincere belief in God's presence and in His promises; it is not dependent on our feelings or sensations. Believe in His promises and rest in His peace today.

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you" (Thessalonians 3:16).

Lord of peace, when my emotions surprise and confuse me, may I rest in the peace of Your constant presence. Amen.

~I feel like Cindy above. I often feel like my emotions occur spontaneously and it leads me to wonder if I have some sort of hormonal or emotional instability because of it. How can I go from being happy to being sad, angry and crying all in a matter of 30 minutes? Explanation ... well that is what grief is. It a tornado of emotions and that will hit you just like that at times. Not every one will experience it like this. I think those that are able to process their feelings faster are blessed. I start to truly wonder if I am just not believing enough in God or his promises. I am not educated enough in his word and thus I am going through the motions like cooking out of a cook book. I am bound to fail to a certain extent if I keep going through it with one hand trying to read along while the other is trying to stir the pot. Steps will be missed and ingredients will be lost in the shuffle.  Maybe that was a bad analogy, but hey .. the first four letters of analogy are anal! Just saying. 
So, today's message is that God's peace is available to me. What am I doing or not doing so that His peace comes to me? Perhaps nothing and he is with me and that is how I am able to get through it all. Just when I think He isn't there and He has forsaken me, it is then that I realize that without Him I wouldn't have gotten this far and wouldn't be asking the questions and seeking the answers. It is with Him that I am seeking the help and healing. It is with Him in my corner that I make it to the meeting and I feel at peace and a calm over me when I am there in that place of "safe". 

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