Thursday, March 28, 2013

Feeling the Need to Be in Control - Day 36

Feeling the Need to Be in Control
Day 36

When life seems to be spinning out of control, you may grasp whatever reins you can find and hang on. Holding those reins gives you a sense of being in control, not only of your life, but more specifically, of your emotions. Emotions can be frightening because they are the least controllable aspect of your nature. Men in particular feel the need to be in control.

"Most men are high on control," says Jim Grassi. "When tragedy strikes, it's a loss of control. You realize just how small you are in the scheme of things and that God is really the One in control. You must release that control and give it back to God and allow Him the full authority in your life."

As long as you are fighting God for control, you will be the loser. Let it all go. Tell Him today that you are tired of fighting, that you want Him to have full authority in your life.

"The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace" (Romans 8:6).

Holy Spirit, I long for that life and peace. This fight to be strong has depleted the last of my so-called resources. Take my life and lead me on the journey of healing. Amen.

~ Amen. I just need to give it to God. I don't know if it is a pride thing or a stubborn thing, but it is hard to give up control period. Being that I lost my connection with God (okay, I am not sure that one really loses the connection, they just become deaf because they are just too overwhelmed in their own emotions to listen or keep talking to God) I was trying to keep a strong sense of control. I got tired of having to be in control all the time. It is very stressful to put that burden on yourself.  It is as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you just can't breathe because of the heavy burden. Once I started to be open to hearing the Word again and started seeking out help and guidance, it was then that the pain and weight in my shoulders and the heaviness on heart started to lift.

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