Thursday, March 28, 2013

You Can't Stay Here - Day 32

You Can't Stay Here
Day 32

The journey of grief is one that you must ultimately decide to complete. You cannot remain where you are right now. Time moves forward, and so you must.

"You can't stay here because God's Word is always going forward," says Dr. Ray Pritchard.

In Philippians 3:14 Paul says that he moved forward toward "the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (NASB). The Christian Life is not static. It is a walk with God that moves you forward into a larger life with God. 

The Lord's plan for your life is pure and simple during this time of grief: "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8 NASB).

Lord, may I simply walk with You. Take my hand and guide me through every moment of this day. Amen.

~ Today's prayer is right on time. I decided in November of 2012 that I didn't want to stay in grief anymore. I missed my mom and sister, but that I was ready for the hurt to not be so intense and for my heart to be filled with joy and laughter again. I wanted to be able to smile and not feel guilty about it. I will never forget them and I will remember them lovingly. I just also want to be able to function again. I want to be able to love again. Mostly, I want the conversations that I was having with God before their deaths to be renewed and restored. I desire a relationship with God. In saying it out loud and taking the steps to get to know Him on another level, I hope I am pleasing Him and welcoming His blessings. 

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