Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Series of Losses - Day 25

A Series of Losses
Day 25

Life is a series of losses, and multiple losses will extend your grief journey.  Past losses can include the deaths of loved ones and pets, job displacement, the loss of a home, and friends and family moving away. Less tangible losses include not being chosen for a particular project or committee and missing out on special events. If you have not dealt with these losses, you may have feelings of regret or sadness that will affect how you grieve your current loss.

"The old losses actually contaminate, intensify, and complicate this new loss," says Dr. H. Norman Wright.

Once you understand that you are experiencing multiple losses, you will be better prepared for the depth and the different facets of grief that may have been confusing at first. The Bible shows that understanding can lead to peace. Understanding your grieving process will help keep you moving forward and not backward. Be prepared to grieve all your losses on this journey.

"I [Jesus] have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).

You, almighty Lord, are my Overcomer. Equip me to face life's struggles while resting securely in Your victory and love. Amen.

~ This really hits home.
I grieved the loss of my Sophie. I grieved the loss of my Popo.
I have admitted that I have daddy issues, but I still have my father in my life.
I grieve the loss of my dad in my life as I was growing up. I always felt like I did something wrong or wasn't good enough and that is why my dad didn't want to come get me or didn't spend time with me. I can't explain nor do I understand his actions when I was younger, but he is making marked efforts to stay a part of my adult life and be a part of my child's life. It is a blessing.
I think that since I didn't grieve that loss until recently, that it made the loss of the idea of a father for my child even worse a pill to swallow. I felt like I was just repeating the cycle when Anthony didn't step up and be the father to Justice that I thought he should be. Now, yes I know I have an ideal of what a father should be, and it is what my father was not. So I mourn the loss of that ideal for my son. Justice doesn't really know the difference as of right now, but one day he will and it will be another thing that I will have to deal with. I just can't deal with it until that day because otherwise I am once again dwelling on something that I cannot change and this the cycle of insanity would continue.

I mourn the loss of the grandmother for my son and the aunt for my son. I mourn that bond that I had with my sister and my mom. I mourn being able to be in sports because of my weight which was brought on by my emotional eating which stems from being neglected or abandoned by my father when I was young and then by my mother finding comfort in the arms of another man and her children being left in the care of family while she lived her young adult life since she had her first child at 16 and her second at 21 and then was divorcing by 22. It really sucks that I was dealt this hand, but from my understanding of things, I chose this life that was set before me. I don't know what any sane person would choose the struggles and the pain that I have had to endure, but I am sure there are lessons to be had through this.

I mourn the loss of my stepfather in my life, my sister's life and my son's life on a daily basis. He made my son so happy and it is sad that he chose to leave when he did and like he did and that he has decided not to be a part of our lives.

I mourn the loss of the house and sense of security I had when we were in that house as a family unit. I think it all just falls back on feeling abandoned. Then turning around and losing the very foundation on which we were living.

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