Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Grief Can Feel Unending - Day 29

Grief Can Feel Unending
Day 29

You feel as though you've been in this pit, this dark tunnel, on this roller-coaster ride, far too long. Will this grief never end?

"There is no microwave healing. There's no way you can just zap it, and you're better. God's healing takes time, but morning will come," says Barbara Johnson.

What signs of daybreak do you see in your life? If you are walking blindly in the darkness of despair, look to the God of light to show you the way.

"Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning" (Psalm 30:5).

Lord Jesus, sometimes I feel like my grief will never end. Show me patches of sunlight in my life today that will spur me on with a healing hope. Amen.

~  I can testify that the dark tunnel does have light at the end. I am not to the end of the tunnel or maybe even to the middle of it, but I certainly know that they hardest part was entering that tunnel to begin with. I am not sure if it is because we fear what we don't know, but knowing how to work through the grief has helped make the unknown more tolerable. I don't know what tomorrow will bring since tomorrow isn't promised, but I know that I have found my way back to the path that leads to the Lord and so I am in a better place than I was before. That is a small blessing, but a blessing none the less.
I just keep hearing "if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it" .. I think I am starting to believe it. Precious!

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