Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Time to Move Forward - Day 18

A Time to Move Forward
Day 18

Although living in denial may be necessary for a time, at some point you must make a decision to move beyond the denial. This does not mean you will stop grieving altogether, for your healing/grieving process has only just begun. But remember, if you spend too long denying your loss, you will be unable to move forward with life.

Dr. H. Norman Wright says, "You have to come to the place where you admit or recognize 'Yes, I've lost this person. [He or she] is no longer a part of my life.' When you hang on to that person, it's almost like a sense of denial. You remain stuck, and you can't move on with your life."

God will enable you to take the next step. He gently reminds you: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven; a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot" (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2).

Holy God, is it time for me to move on from denial? Lead me, Lord. Amen.

~Thank you Lord for helping me to see that it was time to move forward. And today's message was right on the money. Just because I have decided and made the commitment to move forward and through the process of grief doesn't mean that I will altogether stop grieving. It will be a process. It will be a challenge; I have just decided that it is now time to face this challenge head on and move through it instead of trying to avoid it or deny it. I am so thankful that I am being lead by God and have been introduced to such wonderful people in my life. Blessings and love are coming my way again now that I am no longer staring at a closed door to my heart because of the hurt and pain of the losses.

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