Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spiritual Breakthrough - Day 13

Spiritual Breakthrough
Day 13

Your weaknesses and inadequacies make themselves known to you again and again. You can't always count on other people, and you can't count on yourself. No human being can meet all your needs, especially your deepest needs.

"We are living in a broken world," states Barbara Johnson. "We see broken marriages, broken people, broken lives. There's never going to come a time when we've got it all together."

She continues, "As you go through grief, as you center your focus on what is ahead of you as a Christian, that helps you to know that what you're going through isn't going to last. You have to take a day at a time. Tomorrow may be different.  Yesterday is a canceled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, but today is cash. You've got today to service the Lord."

You are at a point where you need to decide whom you will lean on, trust, and put your hope in. Now is the time to search God's Word and hold on to this lifeline. God will meet you where you are, at your point of pain. Seek Him, talk to Him, and learn about Him. He is the only way out of despair.

List to God's promise to you and claim it: "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart'" (Jeremiah 29:11-13).

Lord God, I realize that I need to search the Bible and seek Your way with all the strength I've got left. Amen.

~ I feel like I am on this journey. On this path of sorts to seeking out the Bible and the Word of the Lord.  I have never really gone to bible study or been able to recite scripture like some, but I feel in my heart and soul that one day the words will speak to me and I will really hear and feel them when the time is right. It is just up to me to continue on this path and be open to the receipt of His messages for me.  This journey of grief has long been a solitary one even though I am not truly alone. It feels like no one really understands my hurt or why my heart and head can't let it go. My only explanation is that I so loved those two women that since I loved hard, I will grieve hard.  It isn't that I want to be miserable or want to cry all the time, it is that my heart hurts and yearns for that joy that was there when those two women were in my every day. Now there is a void there. They were filling my cup every day and I have used up my reserves. Now, it is time to start filling my cup with the Lord and continue to learn and grow so that I can fill someone else's cup with love and joy.  This is my heart's true desire. 

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