Monday, July 22, 2013

Your Family Needs Your Support - Day 168

Your Family Needs Your Support
Day 168

As difficult as it is, your life must go on. No, you’ll never feel the same again, and that hurt place in your heart will never be fully healed on this side of heaven. But the others – your family – they need you to be involved in their everyday lives. They need your help as they journey through grief.

“Your family deserves you as a hundred-percent person,” says Barbara Johnson, whose two sons died. “They don’t deserve only half of you. But so many times parents are so wrapped up in that grief. They keep rotating back to that other time instead of saying, ‘Hey, I’m still alive. I have children who need me.’ This is a new life. The other chapter is done, but the book goes on.”

Provide your family with the love, attention, and nurturing they so desperately need from you.

“If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5:8).

Lord, thank you that as I provide for others, You, in turn, will provide for me. Amen. 

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