Monday, July 22, 2013

The Loss of a Child: Bitterness and Blame - Day 160

The Loss of a Child: Bitterness and Blame
Day 160

“The bottom line is no matter whom you point the finger at and expect that person in some way to take the blame or pay you back – there is no way this will bring closure or peace to your heart,” says Shelly, whose son died. Another person cannot bear your pain for you; only Christ can bear your pain.

She continues, “In the same way, you can’t pay God back for your sins. It took the blood of Christ to wash them because you can’t pay back for what you’ve done, and it becomes a futile battle that leads you into a spiral of bitterness that could just choke you.

“So greater and quicker is the healing to rise above it and just say, ‘Lord, let me walk in the light of understanding today that You’re with me, that You love me, that it’s okay.’”

Let it go. Free yourself from the bitterness and blame that will ultimately consume you. Write down Shelly’s words and repeat them as a daily prayer: Lord, let me walk in the light of understanding today that You’re with me, You love me, and that it’s okay.

“Come … let us walk in the light of the Lord …. The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned” (Isaiah 2:5, 9:2).

Lord, You’re with me, You love me, and it’s okay. Amen.

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