Monday, July 22, 2013

Children Are with the Lord - Day 164

Children Are with the Lord
Day 164

Christians believe the only way to enter heaven is through God’s Son, Jesus. But what about infants and small children who never reach the age to make a decision to receive Jesus?

Dr. Luis Palau says, “I am convinced that little children who die in innocence, who don’t know right from wrong, are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, and they are in the presence of the living God. The Bible clearly teaches that a brief life is not an incomplete life. We have our ideas of how long we should live, but the Bible says that every one of our days was written in God’s book before they even happened.

“All is well with your little child because she’s [he’s] in the presence of God the Father in absolute perfection. And you can rest on that because that’s what the Word of God teaches.”

Little ones are not only in heaven, but are also safe in a joyous, precious place close to the heavenly Father. On earth, children are sometimes looked down upon, but in heaven they hold a special place of honor.

The value of children was emphasized by Jesus who said in Matthew 18:10 that children have angels assigned to each of them in heaven. These angels are in intimate contact with the Father, whose nature is revealed throughout the Bible. Being true to His nature, the Father’s concern could not stop at the death of a child.

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you, that their angels in heaven continually behold the face of My Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 18:10 NASB).

Holy Father, as I close my eyes right now, please give me an assurance of the peace and joy that my child is experiencing in heaven right now. Amen. 

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