Monday, July 22, 2013

The Lord is Your Helper – Day 136

The Lord is Your Helper
Day 136

In your grieving, who or what has been your greatest resources? Who have you relied on the most to help you through?

Let God be your most important resource; you must let Him help.

“So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:6).

God’s strength is available at any given moment, but you must continue to use it.

Melba, whose husband died, says, “I felt the strength of the Lord from the very beginning. Actually, I thought being alone was just going to be terrible. And it hasn’t been terrible. I’m coping with it.”

Lord Jesus, I know Your strength is available, but sometimes I don’t feel it. Help me to understand that Your strength, stability, and security is so much more than just a feeling inside. Amen. 

~seeing as my family has either died, abandoned or just got on with their lives, I have turned to the Lord for help. It is when I turn to him that I notice I find a sense of calm, for a while anyway. I think I perpetuate a lot of the anxiety and hurt in that I just can't seem to let go. I can't seem to move past the fact that I miss my mom and my sister. That I miss their faces and their voices. I miss their laughs. I miss my sister's funny and corny sense of humor. -le sigh-

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