Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Children in Grief Need Unconditional Love - Day 181

Children in Grief Need Unconditional Love
Day 181

Children need special attention when they grieve because they are not equipped with the emotional maturity of adults. Their world has fallen apart, and what they need most of all is the assurance of your unconditional love.

"There wasn't anybody to help me when my dad died," says Barbara Johnson. "I had a mother and a sister, but everyone was so busy. I went through my teenage years by myself without a whole lot of help. I did pay a price for that because emotionally I needed some help, and I needed comforting.

"For other parents who have lost a child: Remember, the other siblings are hurting too. Reach out to these kids and unconditionally love them -- just love these kids right where they are and let them know that love is the healing factor and that they're not to blame. Sometimes children have a tendency to blame themselves if there's an accident or a tragedy. But I think we have to put the blame aside and just show a lot of love and a lot of understanding."

Do not put this off. Go to your other children right now and tell them how much you love them. Look them in the eyes; hold them in your arms, and just love. God loves you an calls you His child. Now pass that love on to your children.

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" (1 John 3:1).

Forgive me, Father, for neglecting to comfort the hurt and pain that my other children are feeling. Comfort me as I comfort them. Amen.

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