Monday, July 22, 2013

Coping With the Loss of a Child - Day 159

Coping With the Loss of a Child
Day 159

To lose a child of any age – from an infant to an adult child- is one of the greatest shocks a parent can experience. The death of a child is tragic and feels entirely wrong.

“It’s so out of sequence and just so unnatural when your child, whom you protected all your life, dies. Is there something you could have done to have spared this?” says Pastor Buck Buchanan.

This grief can be very deep. As Matthew 2:18 says, “A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because there are no more.”

God knows your sorrow, and no matter how dark or painful your situation, Jesus can bring you hope. Sometimes, though, you feel like rejecting that hope and embracing your despair, as if hopefulness is somehow a betrayal to your child. Do not let Satan manipulate your thoughts in that way. Seek God and allow Him to light your path.

Lord and Savior, You are the only one who knows my sorrow. My body is enveloped in pain and wracked with grief, but I know there is hope because of You. Help me to live out that hope. Amen. 

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