Monday, July 22, 2013

Remarriage: Decide Deliberately - Day 144

Remarriage: Decide Deliberately
Day 144

Make the decision not to make any big decisions too quickly.  Give God time to heal your heart and to minister to you. He knows what you need and when you need it.

Dr. Ray Pritchard describes three decisions that a person who has lost a spouse must make:

“Decision number one is ‘In my pain and in my grief am I willing to trust God, and am I completely committed to doing His will even when things are tumbling in around me?’

Decision number two is this: ‘What are the basic responsibilities of my life and am I willing to do them?’

“And number three: Make the decision that you’re not going to make any big decisions very quickly. Give God time to heal your heart. Give Him time to wrap His arms around you. Give Him time for the body of Christ to minister to you. I think it is often a mistake to jump into another relationship too soon after you have lost a mate.”

Commit yourself to God first and to your current responsibilities next.

“So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good” ( 1 Peter 4:19).

Faithful Creator, I will take my time making these big decisions and just rest and trust in You. Amen.

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