Monday, July 22, 2013

Competing Emotional Needs – Day 130

Competing Emotional Needs
Day 130

As a parent, especially if you have younger children living at home, you have the extra burden of giving comfort and encouragement to them, even as you need the same comfort and encouragement yourself.

Jodie, whose husband died, says, “I was parenting on my own. I was doing this hectic teaching schedule. I needed to be strong for my sons. At night I would cry and cry unto the Lord.

“The Lord proved Himself so faithful. One of the things that I have learned is that God has all the resources I need. I had a real concern about raising my children by myself. I prayed a lot for guidance and wisdom and strength. God gave me one verse that says, “He’ll gently lead those who are with young.’ I took that to heart and knew it was from the Lord.”

The Lord is your shepherd. He will care for you, protect you, comfort you, and lead you.

“He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young” (Isaiah 40:11).

Shepherd me, Lord. Amen.

~Justice is way to young to remember. He knows that momma gets sad about mimi and auntie boobies, but he doesn't grasp that they were in his every day and now are not. He was too young and spared the losses to my degree. I went through the motions for 2 years. I don't remember or know how I functioned, but I am a survivor, not a victim to this new reality. Part of me wishes that I remembered the old me.  :(

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