Monday, July 22, 2013

Responding to Loss – Day 132

Responding to Loss
Day 132

In Genesis 23, the Bible relates the story of the death and burial of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. The chapter begins, “Sarah lived to be a hundred and twenty-seven years old. She died at Kiriath Arba (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan, and Abraham went to mourn for Sarah and to weep for her.”

Abraham’s immediate response was to mourn and weep for his wife. He made a clear choice to mourn. How have you done this?

Rev. Noel Castellanos says that in healthy grieving “there are more than just a few tears. There is a real sense of honesty about the pain. To deal with grief in a healthy way, there has to be a time of just expressing your deep hurt.”

Holy God, I choose to mourn and to express my grief freely, knowing that this is the only path to healing. Amen.

~I feel like I have cried me a river. I still well up with tears, well, like now writing this. I miss my mom and sister every single day. I just choose to make the best of the day and to enjoy my son, even on those days when I threaten to send him away. I get overwhelmed and I am human. I have been superwoman for a good while now, and there will be times that I break, but I think all in all, I have done quite well in my despair and grief. I know that this is a process and I will have set backs, but I imagine the set backs to just be pull backs getting ready to catapult me forward like a slingshot.  It sounds good anyway. 

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