Monday, July 22, 2013

Family Ties - Day 175

Family Ties
Day 175

“God saved my family from destruction. I think that the enemy was trying to come in and destroy us. But God said, ‘No,’” says Darlynn, whose grandmother died.

Grief can cause intense strain on your family, regardless of how close you may have been before the loss. Buy God placed you within a family for you to support one another. He does not want you to quarrel. When you do, you are giving Satan the opportunity to destroy what is good.

It is okay to express your differences, but personal attacks and hurtful accusations are always out of line. Your home must be a safe place where love is the context in which disagreements are worked out.

“You want something but don’t get it … You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God” (James 4:2).

Ask God for help right away. Stop the grumbling and dissention before they have a chance to grow.

Righteous God, please strengthen our family ties, and bond us together each day in love. Amen. 

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