Be Honest with Your
Grieving Children
Day 184
You may wonder how much to say to your children about the
loss of their sibling, parent relative, or friend. Of course, you have to gauge
it to their ages and attention spans, but with this in mind, we encourage you
to be honest and open with your children.
“As parents you want to protect them; you want to make it
right for them, and yet you don’t know that what you’re doing is actually not
hurting them,” says Dora. “When we first got back from the hospital after their
sister died, we were at a loss for words, and we probably did all the wrong things.
They wanted to know how she died, and my husband said, ‘Well, she fell asleep;
it’s just like falling asleep, only she just didn’t wake up. It was very
comfortable.’ Neither one of my girls could sleep after that for months because
they were afraid they were going to die. Their comprehension is so limited at
that age.”
God understands that you do not know what to say. He will
enable you. Be truthful, yet compassionate with your children, and pray
continually for His guidance. Encourage the children to ask you questions, and
keep the lines of communication open at all times. Also, seek help from
experienced parents or a counselor for advice on how to explain such things to
“Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything
for ourselves, but our competence comes from God” (2 Corinthians 3:5).
Holy God, open my
mouth to honestly talk and share with my children. Help me to be available and
approachable to them. Amen.