Friday, May 17, 2013

When You Want to End the Pain - Day 113

When You Want to End the Pain
Day 113

One of the most destructive choices you could consider as you deal with grief and loss is the possibility of suicide. Although your motivation may be to end the pain, you will actually inflict a greater pain on those you leave behind.

For those of you who have lost a loved one through suicide, you know firsthand the deep heartache and overwhelming emotions that occur as a result.

Shelly's son committed suicide. She shares: "There was pain so deep that I didn't know if I was going to be able to get up sometimes. I was like, 'Lord, I don't think I can go another twenty-five years or however long I may have on this earth. I don't think I can handle this amount of pain.'"

Katie, whose husband committed suicide, says, "Nobody knows what it is like until you have to go through it."

These emotions are normal, but if you actually begin to form a plan to end your life -- if you feel it is worthless to continue or that you cannot handle the pain any longer -- you need to call your pastor or a doctor immediately. You need professional support for this kind of crisis.

Your friends cannot take the place of professional counselors, but they will be a support for you. Many people love you dearly and would give you anything to reach out and help you. Remember, though, that other people cannot know what you are thinking or feeling unless you open up and tell them. Reach out to other people, continue to build relationships, and do not close yourself off. Let people love you even when they don't understand you.

Jesus has promised you hope and healing for the future. You will receive and be reminded of this hope through your relationships with other people as you let God's love flow through them to you. Let God minister His love to you today.

"The Father himself loves you dearly" (John 16:27 NLT).

Holy God, teach me how to love and be loved. Amen.

~ I am blessed that I know the love of God even in my darkest hours. I love my son and I continue on to be that constant in his life. I know what it is like to lose a mother and I couldn't bear to put my child through that on my own accord.  God WILL make a way!

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