Thursday, May 30, 2013

Feeling Alone - Day 124

Feeling Alone
Day 124

Along with all your other pain, the sense of being totally alone can press in on you. You are facing life alone now, and you may feel more acutely than ever the loss of the deep and intimate connection you shared with your spouse.

Dr. Ray Pritchard says, "There's a tremendous difference between being along and being lonely.  When you're alone, you simply have no other people around, but you feel no particular loss. You are lonely when other people may be around, but you feel that there is no one around to connect with you at a deep personal level.

"Be completely honest about your loneliness. It is not a sin to feel lonely. I just think you shouldn't stay that way. Be honest with God, and then pick up the phone and call a friend; call a pastor; call someone in your church. Don't sit by yourself feeling as if you are completely helpless. I know how hard it is to pick up the phone, but how much worse it is to stay that way for days and weeks and months and feel as if no one cares."

Though you may feel friendless and forsaken, the Lord is always with you. He will be your refuge, and He will give you the strength to carry on if you just ask Him.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1 NASB).

Heavenly Father, You are a constant presence on this journey. Amen.

~ I found that this is so true. I didn't want to bother other people. I once reached out and then suddenly I was told "Amber it has been ___ and it is time to move on" that is the WORSE thing anyone who isn't grieving can tell you. It is that statement right there that makes you not want to ask for help. Not to pick up the phone and call someone. It is ONE person telling you the ONE thing that shouldn't be told to a grieving person and it sets us back. I felt like saying "she was your niece and she was your sister .. how do you not grieve?" I can't say that my way is the right way or his way was the right way, but I know that I have learned that hurt people hurt people.  If I have learned nothing else from going to class and reading my emails... HURT PEOPLE HURT PEOPLE!

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