Thursday, May 30, 2013

When Loneliness Hits - Day 125

When Loneliness Hits
Day 125

When does loneliness hit you the hardest?

"Getting into bed at night -- it was the biggest, loneliest bed. So far I have not been able to pull the covers down on that side," Luevenia says following her husband's death.

JoAnn answers: "When you're used to having a partner and going out together and doing stuff together, it's difficult when all of a sudden you don't have anybody."

Nell, also widowed, says, "At night, especially when I would come to church, there were times I didn't want to go back home. It would just make me nervous to think about going back home and being by myself."

Do not fear or try to avoid those situations where loneliness creeps in and seems unbearable. Face the loneliness with Jesus at your side and know that this is a time of deep loneliness; feel the loneliness and do not try to block it out. Express your emotions and then keep walking with Jesus.

"I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble.  Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life" (Proverbs 4:11-13).

Jesus, guide me in wisdom. Walk with me in my path of loneliness and bring me safely through. Amen.

~ I have totally been there done that with this. I have moments of time when I get so in my own head that I start making stuff up. Creating a problem that wasn't there to begin with and then growing that seed of deceit in my own head. I have learned along the way though, that even in my darkest of hours, I have my son and I have God and that is about all I need. I can lean on others, but with my God and my son and myself .. we got this!

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