Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Shared Dreams - Day 118

Shared Dreams
Day 118

You had so many dreams and plans together. Your future was anticipated as a twosome.

Emy, whose husband died, says, "We did not do everything we had always hoped. The golden years were not golden. Some of our dreams were really dashed. But you have to realize that life is not given to you as a rose garden, and you don't appreciate the heights until you go through the valleys."

Right now you may feel completely hopeless, and all you can see in your mind is ruined dreams. But as you look toward the future, focus beyond the debris and find the light. There is a light in your darkness, and that light is the Lord Jesus Christ.

"You will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts" (2 Peter 1:19).

Lord Jesus, help me to see beyond my broken dreams and to follow the light that will lead me into a new day. Amen.

~ As I said before, I haven't experienced loss to this degree. But, I did have dreams of my sister and son growing close. She was so happy to be an Auntie. She was so thrilled that I took him to her to watch while I was at work. I drove 128 miles daily to take him to her (this was two round trips of 64 miles each) and I didn't blink twice to do it. I envisioned my son getting to grow up with her sons and pick up boy habits and get to have an uncle who loved him so very much. ALL that died the day my sister did. So, in essence, I know the loss of shared dreams. It still makes me sad and teary-eyed. I guess I haven't completely mourned that loss as of yet. I find more and more things that I haven't done, said or accomplished and it makes my heart sad. :(

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