Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Express Your Emotions Freely - Day 99

Express Your Emotions Freely 
Day 99

The grieving customs in ancient Israel involved a great deal of free expression, especially compared to today's culture.

After King Saul, his son, and Israel's army were defeated, "David and all the men with him took hold of their clothes and tore them. They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the arm of the LORD and the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword" (2 Samuel 1:11-12).

First of all, David and all the men mourned their losses together as a group. "Group grieving" is an effective tool for the journey, but in today's culture it is something that you must seek out, usually in the form of a support group.

The second action of David and his men was to take hold of their clothes and tear them. They released their energy in a way that was physical, yet not harmful.

Lastly, and still as a group, they "mourned and wept and fasted till evening." In their culture they were free to openly express and share their grieving emotions, and they were expected to do so.

Think of the forms of mourning that you are engaged in. How does it compare to the mourning of David and his men? You can learn from the past and be a part of an improved future.

Glorious Lord, I want to express my emotions freely, actively, and without embarrassment.  Amen.

~ AMEN! I often feel like I am being a big baby when I freely express my emotions. There are times when I am ambushed and the tears just flow. I can't help it. It means that I still have hurt that I need to work through. It isn't a sign of weakness, it just means that I so loved my sister and my mom that it still hurts like it was yesterday that they died. I get teary-eyed just writing this now. I miss them so very much. I miss their voices and my mom's touch. I miss hearing my sister's laugh and my mom's cray sayings.

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