Monday, May 6, 2013

Emotional Safety Valve #1: Lift Your Fears to Jesus - Day 103

Emotional Safety Valve #1: Lift Your Fears to Jesus
Day 103

Overwhelmed by your emotions? On the verge of emotional shutdown? Feeling as if there is no future but despair? Try lifting your fears to Jesus.

"People who don't know Christ have a different perspective on this because they have no option other than despair," says Dr. Jim Conway. "They only have the option of using their own energy or other people around them to try and make this adjustment. They don't have the person of God living in them, giving them the capacity to adjust and the sense that there is a future."

You do have an option. Choose faith in the Lord Christ Jesus. Make it a habit to mentally and verbally give each emotion to Him the moment that emotion arrives. You may want to picture yourself wrapping up that emotion in a package and handing it into His loving, powerful arms to keep. Repeat this exercise as needed, and trust in God to take those burdens each time.

You can take this action because God cares for you. First Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

Second Chronicles 15:7 says, "As for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded."

Lord, I am constantly tormented by these thoughts and emotions. I need to give each one to You, one at a time. Take them from me, and I will trust in You for strength and healing. Amen.

~ I was in a place where I thought that because I stopped conversation with the Lord that I wasn't going to be heard or listened to. My God isn't going to give up on me because I got mad at him for a while. He was there with me when I was angry with him for taking my sister and then my mom. I was angry at myself for shutting out the Lord as well. It is a lesson learned and NOW that I am practicing the act of giving it to God, I walk around a much more calm and happy person. I AM BLESSED!

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