Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Compulsive Behaviors - Day 110

Compulsive Behaviors
Day 110

A compulsive behavior is an activity you feel compelled to do excessively in order to distract yourself from the pain. It is something you do to avoid grief.

Many people associate compulsive behaviors with negative actions such as overeating, not eating, drinking too much alcohol, or abusing drugs. But compulsive behaviors can also include activities that are normally thought of as good -- working, cleaning, serving at church, or remodeling the house. These behaviors become compulsive when a person continues to overdo an activity to avoid the pain.

A compulsive behavior "always offers more than it provides," says Dr. John Trent. Therefore, you might keep increasing your activity or behavior to find that original satisfaction and comfort, which is now elusive.

"Genuine healing from grief," says Dr. Trent, "comes not in an artificial climate, which all those are -- activity or drugs or whatever, it comes through the reality of knowing Jesus Christ."

Honor God with your behavior, and know that true satisfaction is found in Him.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were brought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body" (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Lord Jesus, I want to know You. Dwell within me as I seek to honor You with my actions and behaviors. Amen.

~ I found myself finding other things to do other than taking the time to just be still and grieve. I stayed so busy that I was exhausted from being so busy. It wasn't until I stopped and realized that I was staying so busy that I was actually keeping myself from sleeping. Every time I closed my eyes I would have flashbacks to events, times that reminded me of the deaths of my sister and my mother. I was taken back yet pushed forward. It has been a weird week of full circle awareness and perspective reality checks. I just have to take the time to reassess and move forward.

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