Monday, May 6, 2013

Physical Symptoms - Day 102

Physical Symptoms
Day 102

Has grief impacted your body as well as your mind?

"Physical problems can run the gamut," says Dr. H. Norman Wright. "There can be stomachaches, headaches, anxiety, rapid pulse, heaviness of heart. It can affect your blood pressure. Sleep disturbances come as insomnia or sleeping ten, twelve, or fourteen hours a day.  You lack energy, just plodding through the day, looking at the clock, hoping it's time to go to bed."

How you feel physically can deeply affect how you feel emotionally. So make sure that the basics are covered. Eat healthy food, exercise on a consistent basis, and get plenty of sleep.

Remember, healing is a journey you travel both physically and mentally. Face each difficulty one day at a time, one step at a time, until its completion. Counter each problem with assurance of Scripture. Remain faithful till the end, and you will be victorious over every problem that sets itself up against you during this time.

"In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us" (Romans 8:37).

In You, victorious Lord, I am more than a conqueror over these physical problems. Show me how to endure and to win! Amen.

~ I admit that there were times that I would sleep, wake up to feed Justice, then sleep and then wake to feed him again and then sleep. I felt like I couldn't get enough sleep and like I just wanted to sleep. He was already old enough to either play in his room or come lay down with me. I wouldn't get good sleep, as mothers know that they sleep with a listening ear and very lightly. It was imperative that I got out of that funk and decided to get out of bed and out of the apartment because laying in the dark didn't make me feel better or heal me really. It just made me more tired and exhausted mentally and physically. It was good to get up and move around. It was even better when I got my motivation back to work out.

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