Thursday, May 2, 2013

Doubting God's Goodness - Day 100

Doubting God's Goodness
Day 100

Is God truly good? What does it mean to you personally that God is good?

Dr. Larry Crabb says, "When you see a child suffer, when the doctor says certain things to you, you really wonder if God is good.

"'God, where are You? If You're good, then it seems to me that things should work out like this -,' and I impose my definition of good on God. And I say, 'This is what the word good means: It means that I won't get cancer again. It means my wife won't die prematurely. It means my kids will be healthy and make enough money to pay the bills.'

"When I look at God ad say, 'You're not cooperating with my definition of good, the natural consequence is not trust, not worship. It's idolatry. I'm going to find some other god that agrees with my definition of good. Satan comes along and basically says, 'I'll arrange for what you want.' And you'll have certain pleasures for a season, and then it'll be awful."

It is not God's intention to give us everything we want. Getting what we want is not the key to happiness, peace, or contentment. Since we cannot see the full picture and do not have all the facts, our judgment is skewed. God would not be God if He could not see all things and judge all situations for the ultimate good.

God's word is absolute truth; don't let your doubts get in the way of His perfect plan.

"You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" (Job 2:10).

Most Holy God, my limited view is getting in the way of truth. Even when I don't feel it, help me to know without a doubt Your goodness and faithfulness to me. Amen.

~ I know it doesn't always feel this way. I know that I have questioned it myself. The first thing I said in grief class was "I was doing what I was supposed to do as a Catholic. I was going to church. I was praying. I repented. What did I do wrong????"

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