Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Your Diet – Day 309

Your Diet
Day 309

What you eat affects your day more than you may realize. A balanced diet increases your energy, strength, concentration, and your ability to ward off illnesses. It also makes you feel better about yourself, because your diet affects your thoughts and your emotions.

“You need to think through your diet,” suggests Dr. Jim Conway, whose wife died. “Typically, people going through grief eat very poorly. During the early days of my grieving, I would open up a can and eat out of it, while standing at the kitchen counter!”

A balanced diet is not only an important tool in healing from grief, but it is also a way to glorify God. It honors God when you take care of your body, His creation.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Glorious God, eating healthy is hard enough to do when I’m not grieving. Maybe now is a good time to change my ways. Please help me in this. Amen. 

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