Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Courage to Listen – Day 334

The Courage to Listen
Day 334

Dr. Larry Crabb describes this scenario: “You’re sitting next to somebody in church or maybe in a small-group setting. It’s coffee break time and the person obviously is distressed. Your initial inclination is ‘Let me see if I can’t go have coffee with somebody else, because if I stay with this person who is hurting, I won’t know what to do. Let me go chat with some buddies and some friends where I feel adequate.’”

He continues, “We tend to underestimate the profound power of listening.  We think of that as anemic: ‘Well, at least I listed, but what good does that do?’ I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned as a friend or as a husband or as a counselor is this: It isn’t what I know or my competence that makes the difference; it’s when I find the courage to be there in the presence of God, that’s where the difference is found.”

Be courageous; do not stay where you feel comfortable and safe. Take a chance for someone else today and listen. Listen to God urging you forward and listen attentively to someone who is hurting. When a person sees that you are truly listening, that person feels valued. This validation brings deep healing.

“He who answers before listening – that is his folly and his shame” (Proverbs 18:13).

God, I feel very inadequate sometimes. Teach me that with You in my life, I am complete, and my presence is needed to help others who are hurting. Amen. 

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