Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Helping Others – Day 310

Helping Others
Day 310

Helping other people eases your pain and gives you the chance to turn your grief into something good.

“I was asked to come in and counsel this mother and daughter. The daughter was dying of a tumor, just as my daughter had died,” says Dora. “At first, they were hesitant to approach me. They weren’t sure if I could handle facing the pain and the grief again.

“When I was asked, I jumped at the opportunity because I thought, This is a good chance for me to turn my daughter’s death into something really good and something that I could help other people with. That proved to be very, very helpful for me in my recovery process.”

Everyone in this world needs some kind of help, and someone needs you today.

“Each helps the other and says to his brother, ‘Be strong!’” (Isaiah 41:6).

God, when I don’t feel strong, help me to remember that my strength is in You. Show me someone in need today. Amen. 

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