Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lend Me Your Faith – Day 322

Lend Me Your Faith
Day 322

“Faith is what carries you through,” says Dr. H. Norman Wright. “It is vital. But the problem is, during an intense loss or trauma or crisis sometimes you wonder, ‘Where is my faith? Where is my hope?’ And that’s when you need somebody else to walk alongside you and say ‘Let me lend you my faith and my hope until your own comes back again.’”

A strong Christian friend will be invaluable on your grief journey. This friend will listen, be available, and uphold you in prayer. He or she will spur you on to a deeper relationship with Christ.

“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong – that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” (Romans 1: 11-12).

Your friend, in turn, will grow and be blessed by the almighty God who greatly rewards those who follow His commands.

Lord, show me who this strong Christian friend is. You have provided people to walk alongside me and to lift me up when I stumble. I do not want to miss out on this blessing. Thank you, Great Provider. Amen. 

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