Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Helping Another Person In Grief – Day 338

Helping Another Person In Grief
Day 338

Not everyone reacts to loss the same. Some may pursue help. Others may avoid it. That can be a sign they are not doing well. You may need to gently and tactfully go after them.

You might be tempted to day, ‘Oh, someone else will help him. I hardly know him anyway.” Or you might think, She really doesn’t want my help.

In grief, the rules have changed. Step in and help. Worrying about discomfort or embarrassment is not relevant in grief. People need other people to intervene regardless of societal conventions.

“He saw that there was no one, he was appalled that there was no one to intervene” (Isaiah 59:16).

Lord, I need to get over my uncertainty about how to help others or whether to help. Help me to step out in faith and gently bring comfort to another person in grief. Amen.

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