Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Give Permission to Grieve – Day 336

Give Permission to Grieve
Day 336

An important ministry you have to other people is to validate their individual losses. You will not tend to trivialize their losses by giving quick, easy answers. Rather, you know it is better to stand alongside them and feel what they are going through. By doing this, you give them permission to grieve.

Dr. Robert Jeffress states, “Christians need to be given permission to grieve. They do not need to feel like they’ve fallen if they are grieving. They need to be reminded that what they are experiencing is normal.

“I believe the Bible, the Word of God is alive; it’s active; it’s sharper than any two-edged sword. But grieving people do not need to be bombarded with Bible verses. I think sometimes the best thing to do for grieving Christians is just to be there, to be silent, and when the time is right, to share a truth that might help them.”

You have suffered and are still suffering. Many people around you are suffering as well. Sometimes it is hard to notice because in today’s culture, hiding true feelings is common and often expected. The Bible tells you to share in your sufferings. It also says to share in your comfort.

“Our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort” (2 Corinthians 1:7).

Lord God, someone around me needs to grieve. He or she may be holding it back and suffering even more because of that. I want to help that person understand it is okay and necessary to grieve. Amen.

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