Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Help Is Through the Church – Day 318

Help Is Through the Church
Day 318

Open your mind to the idea that help can be given through people in a church.

“If you’re not a Christian, give it a try,” suggest Jan Northington. “Come to church. Find out who this God is and what Jesus can be for you. I think it’s a place where you’ll find warmth, understanding, and encouragement, even if you are a little undecided as to whether you want to make this kind of commitment. Church is a place to start, and it’s a place to find love and acceptance and help. That’s what you need right now.”

The church has valuable spiritual and emotional resources, beyond what you might realize. Give your local body of believers a chance to help you.

“After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and care for it, just as Christ does the church” (Ephesians 5:29).

Christ Jesus, You are the head of the church, and by Your example the people in the church love and care for those in their community. I would like to get to know these people. Amen. 

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