Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Remembering Good Memories – Day 311

Remembering Good Memories
Day 311

Flashbacks and reruns of disturbing memories can be exhausting. For those in grief, the memories can hit you unexpectedly. Time will fad the bad memories, but be sure to make a conscious effort to remember the good.

“I would see him in my mind when he was really sick,” says Sue following her husband’s death, “but that fades. People told me that would fade. Now I see him praying in church, which is good. At first I had a lot of the negative flashbacks, but over time I saw the good things.”

Reminisce good memories about your loved one with someone else. You may want to write down those memories. Above all, enjoy the good memories and gain strength from them.

“You were wearied by all your ways, but you would not say, ‘It is hopeless.’ You found renewal of your strength, and so you did not faint” (Isaiah 57:10).

Lord, renew my strength and refresh my mind with peaceful, happy memories. Amen. 

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